Zivaya Led Waterproof Acrylic NamePlate



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Our latest product Zivaya LED acrylic nameplate from nameplateshop.com is going to be a new buzz about your house. We as nameplateshop provide you with a hassle-free platform to customize your products as per your desires and needs. Our product is currently available with yellow-colored waterproof LEDs. Ready to steal the attention of all the passersby towards your home. We are affordable and come with zero shipping charges. Shop now from nameplateshop.com for the best experience while shopping for nameplates. Happy shopping!!

  1. Product: Zivaya LED acrylic nameplate
  2. Hassle-free platform to customize your products as per your desires
  3. Yellow-colored waterproof LEDs are used
  4. Zero shipping charges
  5. Affordable and safe to buy

Specification :

Length : 18″

Height : 12″



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